Medical Examination for Canada Immigration – Important Guidelines

Settling in Canada is a dream for many. However, they must be aware of the different requirements that must be met in order to qualify as a permanent resident. Clearing the medical examination is one of the prominent requirements in regard to Canada immigration.

Though the process is quite simple and straight forward, applicants do have queries and confusions regarding medical examination. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most important guidelines on medical examination for Canada immigration by answering some typical queries related to the subject.

Medical Examination – Why is it required for Canada Immigration?

In order to immigrate to Canada, medical examination is one of the foremost criteria that must be taken seriously by all applicants. The Government of Canada does not want physically unfit immigrants to settle in any part of the nation as it would pose health risks for the existing citizens of the country.

The core purpose of taking a medical examination is to declare that you do not carry any diseases when you enter the Canada. Clearing the examination is a must as without that you will not be deemed fit to enter the Canadian borders and your application will be rejected accordingly on grounds of medical grounds.

Hence, it is crucial that you not only take the exam but also clear it successfully. Let’s now consider some typical queries that most applicants have in regard to medical examinations.

Guidelines for Canada Immigration Medical Examination…

Having explained the significance of the medical test that needs to be taken, we know will consider the questions that trouble most applicants. Answers to these questions will serve as the crucial guidelines on medical examination for Canada immigration. Here they are –

Do I require complete body checkup done as part of the medical examination?

IRCC recommends taking all the standard medical tests that detect the ill health conditions easily. So, following are essentially required to be a part of the medical examination process –

  • Physical examination
  • Blood test
  • Urine test
  • Chest X ray test

Usually, the physical examination includes examining the overall condition of an applicant. It thus involves checking skin condition, blood pressure level, body temperature etc. Blood test predominantly detects if the applicant is carrying any deadly viruses (like HIV) in blood. The applicant is expected to clear all the above tests.

What is the validity of the medical examination reports?

Typically, the validity of the medical exam is one year. So, in case of any delay in visa, you may be required to undergo a new medical examination.

I have an existing medical report issued 6 months back. Is it valid to be presented for Canada immigration?

In case you do have a recent medical report and want to use it on account of the medical examination, the only case when it can be considered for acceptance is if the test had been taken from any of the designated physicians as suggested by IRCC. Otherwise, any previous report issued cannot be used for this purpose.

How can I find an IRCC approved medical test center?

IRCC has designated some specific physicians, referred as “panel physicians” to conduct medical tests of applicants. You can take appointment with any of the approved physicians that are located nearest to you. Medical test conducted by your family doctor or any other local doctor will not hold valid. Also, you are required to submit the applicable fee beforehand. Please note that the test fee may vary depending on the physician.

What All I need to Bring for Appointment?

Before going to visit the doctor, you must carry following with you –

  • Proper ID – like passport, driver’s license or national identity card
  • Eye glasses/contact lenses – Only if you wear them
  • Any medical reports pertaining to previous/existing medical conditions
  • The Medical Report form (IMM 1017E)
  • Four recent photographs, if the physician does not work with eMedical

There may be some additional documents that may be required by the physician. It is thus highly recommended to have a word with the physician in this regard.

Is the medical test fee structure pre-decided by IRCC?

IRCC merely decides on the physicians who can conduct tests for applicants. Whatever fee is incurred for each & every test is according to the fee structure of the individual physician. IRCC has no control whatsoever on the fee structure as levied by these physicians for the mentioned tests. So, you cannot challenge IRCC if a specific panel physician in your area charges you more.

However, in case of improper behavior or conduct from the physician’s side, you can always intimate IRCC about same, if required. It’s always recommended to talk to the physician beforehand to get a detailed overview of following –

  • Tests to be conducted
  • Fee structure
  • Time required for overall test completion
  • Documents required
  • Appropriate time to take the test
  • Precautions to be taken, if any before the medical test begins
  • Whether a close relative needs to accompany the applicant at the time of medical test

How do I verify that my medical examination in done completely?

Once the approved physician issues you a document for your medical test, you will realize that all your tests are done. You will be required to attach a copy of the issued document with your visa application. The physician will issue you a copy of Upfront Medical Report form (IMM 1017B) as the document if he works with paper-based system. However, you will receive an upfront medical notification printout if the physician works with eMedical.

For what all jobs medical test needs to be taken in case of temporary residents?

Following are the professions that require medical test –

  • Workers in health sciences field
  • Patient attendants in nursing/geriatric homes
  • Medical students admitted to Canada
  • Medical electives/physicians on short-term locums
  • Clinical laboratory workers
  • Teachers – Primary or secondary schools
  • Teachers – Kindergarten
  • Domestics
  • Workers providing in-home care to elderly, disabled and children
  • Day nursery employees
  • Other jobs that require you to come in close contact with people

Will my medical test fees be refunded in case my visa application gets rejected?

No, your medical examination fee will not be refunded under any circumstances if your visa application is rejected due to any reasons.

Does the Panel Physician take the final decision on medical exam?

The panel physician is only authorized to conduct medical tests of applicants and send the reports to visa authorities. Any problem in your medical report that is impacting your visa application is discussed with you by the visa authorities only. So, it’s the visa officials only that take the final call on your medical exam reports.

Under what medical conditions am I inadmissible to Canada?

You may be denied entry into Canada if medical reports suggest that your health is –

  • A danger/threat to public health
  • Supposed to cause extreme burden on the Canadian healthcare system

Is medical test also mandatory for pregnant applicants?

Pregnant applicants are exempted from X-ray medical test in order to ensure safety of the fetus. However, delivery of baby, the infant and mother are required to undergo medical examination.

Is it possible for my dependents to undergo medical examination in a different country from where the visa application is submitted?

As mentioned earlier, IRCC has designated panel physicians who are authorized to take medical tests. These physicians are located across the globe and so your dependents can approach any of them according to their convenience.

Do medically inadmissible dependents come under any exceptions?

Yes, there are exceptions for medically inadmissible dependents. The factor “excessive demand on health or social services in Canada” is waived under the Family sponsorship category for

  • Spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners
  • Dependent children


Is it a must for my non-accompanying dependents too to take the medical test?

Accompanying & non-accompanying dependents both need to undergo the medical test. The non-accompanying dependent may be though exempted in following cases –

  • If the dependent is unwilling to take the test
  • If the dependent is unable to take the test

Please note that exemption is both of the two scenarios mentioned above is provided in limited circumstances and such dependents are not eligible for following sponsorship as members of the Family Sponsorship category.

Final Note – Take the Medical Exam Seriously…

Given above were some of the most crucial guidelines on medical examination for Canada immigration presented by answering some typical queries on the topic. It’s best to have all your queries resolved beforehand in order to avoid any issues at a later stage.

Medical examination is a highly crucial criteria set for evaluating candidates looking to immigrate in Canada. While clearing the exam successfully can open doors for you to settle in Canada, failure can result in rejection of your application. So, if you intentionally underestimate the exam, simply forget your dream of Canada immigration.

Make sure to take the medical exam seriously and be totally open and honest with your physician. Hopefully, this blog post provides all the vital information you had been looking for in regard to the Canada immigration medical exam.



Author: visasabroad
Visas Abroad Services LLP dealing with Canada, Australia & New Zealand permanent residency visa under skilled worker category.