Hong Kong meaning Fragrant Harbor, officially known as “Hong Kong Special Administrative Region” or Hong Kong SAR, consists of Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, the New Territories, and several other smaller islands. If you love heights Hong Kong is the city with the most skyscrapers (defined as buildings with more than 14 floors) in the world; Tsing Ma Bridge is the world’s largest road and rail suspension and spanning 1,377 meters and height of 206 m; This suspension bridge carries world’s largest rail traffic.
Hong Kong also has the world’s most efficient subway systems with a 99.9% on-time rate and the entire system is managed by AI. In spite of being densely populated urban area the amazing fact about Hong Kong is that less than 25% of Hong Kong Island is urbanized and so 40% of the island is rest for parks and recreation and the rest is virgin forests. If you are fascinated by luxury cars it would be interesting to know that China has more Rolls Royce’s per person than any other city in the world. Hong Kong’s tourism revenue contributes to about 5% of Hong Kong’s GDP and employees 7.2 % of total employment which is about 2, 71,800 persons.
Hong Kong maintains the position of top business destination in Asia as per online magazine survey. Hong Kong dollar is the eight most traded currencies in the world which makes it a good business destination. Hong Kong city is a shoppers and foodies paradise with highest per-capta concentrations of cafes and restaurant in the world. The hilly terrains of Hong Kong, beautiful harbor line, amazing shopping sites; cheap and fascinating Chinese, Cantonese cuisine makes Hong Kong city a great destination to be in.
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Fact Sheet:
- Population: 2014 Estimates: 7,234,800
- Area: 2,755 Km2
- Population Density: 6,544/Km2
- Currency: Hong Kong Dollar (HK$)
- Unemployment Rate 2016: 3.4%
- Participation Rate 2016: 61.4% (Percentage Of people either employed or looking for work)
- Average Skilled Worker Income range HK$ 60-80 per hourOfficial City Name: Hong Kong Special Administration Region
- National Language: Chinese, English and Cantonese
- Official Scripts: Traditional Chinese Modern English
- Time Zone: CET (UTC+1), CSET (UTC+2)
- Date Format: dd-mm-yyyy, yyyy年mm月dd日
- Drives on the: Left
- Calling Code: +852
- Internet Country level top domain (ccTLD): .hk